Emcrown Clinical Research

EmcrownOur Work

Emcrown has several investigators who are experienced and vast in their areas of expertise. We presently cover a wide range of therapeutic areas including but not limited to the following conditions:


Emcrown has several investigators who are experienced and vast in their areas of expertise. We presently cover a wide range of therapeutic areas including but not limited to the following conditions:
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Central Nervous System
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive System Diseases
  • Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Gastro Enterology
  • Hematology
  • Immune System
  • Infectious disease
  • Medical Device
  • Nephrology
  • Obesity
  • Ob/Gyn
  • Oncology
  • Pain
  • Psychiatry
  • Rear Diseases
  • RespiratoryTract Diseases
  • Substance Related Disorder
  • Urinary Tract and Sexual Organs Conditions
  • Vaccines
  • Women Health
  • Wounds and Injuries

Accelerated Study Start-up

A successful and quality clinical trial begins with an efficient and timely start-up phase. Emcrown Clinical Research is dedicated to ensuring a seamless engagement with Sponsors, CROs and IRBs from the startup phase till completion of every study. Apart from study staff, we have positioned project management, IT, contract and other support staff for accelerated study start-up and completion.
We guarantee
  • Seamless Technological Integration;
  • Maximum of 24 hours email response;
  • 2/3 business days Budget and CTA negotiation turnaround time, and
    dedicated outside business hours emergency phone response staff.

Study Quality Control

Apart from oversight by sponsors, CRO and IRB, Emcrown Clinical Research has inhouse regulatory team that is dedicated to continuous review of the protocol implementation to ensure full compliance. To ensure transparency, any observed deviation by the study team is immediately reported to the sponsors, CRO and IRB for immediate remediation and necessary actions.


Emcrown Clinical Research understands that a diverse patients’ population in any clinical trial facilitates informed regulatory decisions and product labelling. Diversity in a study is also essential for a wider acceptance and overall success of any clinical trial. Emcrown boasts of the ability to recruit diverse study participants of different backgrounds, races, ethnicity, sexual orientation/genders, ages and rare conditions. Working with their diverse and multilingual teams in the USA and sub-Saharan Africa, Emcrown is able to recruit a broad range of study participants to achieve study diversity targets.

Study Equipment

Clinical trials can be complex and overwhelming for participants, families and caregivers and our staff are always available to help them navigate every detail involved. Our sites have calibrated equipment such as, blood pressure machines, refrigerated centrifuges, computers, EKG machines, fax machines, printers, refrigerators, weight scales, as well as -20 freezers. Emcrown Clinical Research also has the capacity and resources to procure any additional equipment required for a study at short notice.


Get in touch with Our Team to know the recruiting studies and how you can participate.